Welcome MFV

Hi. I go by G in these parts.

This blog has become a platform for my emotions and the lessons I’ve learned along the way – there have been plenty! Some nasty, some justified, but all have coalesced into what makes me me today.

I started this blog when I was a depressed 24-year-old. It was a confusing age fueled by self-loathing and self-pity, with incessant bouts of narcissism in between.

I’m a few months shy of 33 now. Life hasn’t been kind, but it showed me the way to the woman I see in the mirror. I like her. I’m proud of her. I love her dearly.

You will, too.

81 thoughts on “”

  1. you are not worthless, sweetie…take it from me, who has dealt with feeling worthless from my very earliest awarenesses.

    with the means to accomplish things, and discovering the more I accomplished the less I felt worth.

    at last, I gained myself, and in the process lost it all…my job, my friends, even my children who completely abandoned me…my baby is still here thank god…

    …but it is in the midst of this crucible that i found myself, and my desires to love and serve and sacrifice for others, my hope to be a kind and graceful person quick to forgive and slow to anger, to love always and bear all things…

    you are so far ahead of all that in investing in your soul and i am touched and inspired by that, and so glad that you get this chance long before I did.

    richest blessings of the beyond to you…

    charissa grace

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dearest Charissa, thank you so much for sharing your story and for these kind words. I am glad that you’ve found the path to your happiness. We’ve all lost things dear to us, but, as you have said, it is in losing these things that we discovered our strengths. I am a work in progress, and I strive to learn the same things that you know now. Stay lovely!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. This is a great way to express yourself, Giana. You have a lovely way with your words. Congratulations and best of luck in your travels of mind, spirit and body. I’m glad you liked my post today so that I could meet you here. I hope we share a rewarding blogging relationship. — Mark


    1. Hello, Mark! I appreciate you saying that. I hope to keep bumping into you here at WordPress. Keep up the good work with your blog!


  3. You were not created by a loving God as somebody worthless so do not tell yourself that you are or allow others to place that label on you. Take it from somebody who has been there. It is a lie that you must not let become your identity. A person’s worth is not in the things he/she possesses nor is it how much money they have in the bank.


    1. Hello, Tony! Yes, I keep reminding myself that and will continue to do so until I finally come to terms with it. Thank you for your wise words. Have a great day!


  4. Thank you for stopping by mine. I echo the encouragements the previous users have left for you~! Your posts are so heartfelt and I enjoyed them very much 🙂


  5. Hi Gaiana,
    Look up and you’ll see an awesome living God there every day, rain or shine for everyone. You are an awesome, precious person to Him and others, too. Wishing you joy,love, laugher and reasons to smile and make others smile, too. If you’ve got a camera, hope you’ll take some photos of your travels and post them on your blog, too. Best to you and God’s Blessings, too 🙂


    1. I deeply appreciate all your well-wishes, Carol. I will work on the picture bit just for you! Thank you for stopping by!


  6. Hello Gaiana 🙂 Thank you for dropping by http://www.prajnate.com and liking the post The Truth About Truth. I read several of your postings and find your transparency about you inner-conversation refreshing. (so many people wear masks these days)


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Derek. I liked reading your post as well. Keep up the good work! Have a lovely day 🙂


    1. How very nice of you, Runaway Nuns and Leprechauns. Thank you. As for my name, I think yours is just as oddly lovely, ignites the whimsy in me. Have a great day!


  7. hey saint gaiana,

    i think your selling yourself self on the whole sainthood thing. a saint is simply someone who desires to be close to god. just like everything, some people do better at that than others. i went to catholic high school and one time our class had the responsibility for the banners for all saints day. we ended putting the name of everyone on banners exclaiming that we were all saints.


    1. Hello, Mr. bipolarsojourner! I must say the “we are all saints” story is a good one. Why hasn’t anybody else thought of doing what you did? Good day to you and thank you for stopping by 🙂


      1. well, to tell you the truth, the nun who taught our religion class came up with the idea.

        there’s a funny story around her. my sister became a nun in the same order as the teacher. we went down for a celebration for my sister’s 25 year in orders. we stayed with my sister. my sister, her friend (also a nun), and my former teacher were at the same residence. one time, in passing, i said they must all have good prayer lives. They simultaneously answered, “yea, right!”

        the point is even the most saintly one struggle.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Gaiana, I would say that you are just living life, with all the mountains and the valleys. We have ups, and we have downs, but that’s the human condition. And, from time to time, we love and loath ourselves. However, through it all we experience life one day, and night at a time. Keep walking off the deep end… that’s living! ;o)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not as beautiful as you, Zareen. Thank you for your kind words. Please continue to spread joy and love all around you. Have a lovely day 🙂


  9. Thanks for liking my photo-quote today. It is a snapshot of how healing our thoughts can be as we touch the truth of who we each truly are as the apple of God’s eye. But, I think for each of us, it is one step at a time! I am glad you are sharing your thoughts in this way, Gaiana.


  10. Gaiana, love is what our life is all about…and we humans do it so poorly, definitely including myself! God is perfect love, revealed through a human like us, Jesus Christ. Your identity is a beloved daughter of God so while you – and I – might loath our behaviour or our struggles, we are the beloved creation of the God of the universe and highly valued. So highly valued that God gave everything, His very self, to rescue, redeem, reconcile us. You are worth the whole universe!


  11. Hi there, ‘work in progress’ – aren’t we all 😉 ! Thanks for leaving a like on the Cow Parsley post.
    Reading your About page reminded me of this quote from T S Eliot:

    “We shall not cease from exploration
    And the end of all our exploring
    Will be to arrive where we started
    And know the place for the first time.”

    God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, Mary! That quote is actually one of my favorites 🙂 Thank you for droppig by my page. Have a wonderful day!


  12. Hi Gaiana – thanks for liking pixelated on readingpoetryinbed. Delighted to have happened upon your work which I found myself reading and find quite fascinating. Quirky goodness pouring out, I’m looking forward to reading more. Thanks


  13. “Rendered socially worthless?” When I opened your picture my first thought was, “Wow, what a beautiful young lady.” In this American culture, being beautiful and young has a lot of clout. I’m so old and gray (and a little chubby due to menopause, when I used to be thin), people look right through me (especially men). And they could care less how much $ I have. And you’re obviously intelligent!


    1. Lovely, I do not know what you see but there is nothing old, nor gray, nor chubby about you. I am more inclined to think that men cannot picture themselves next to a beautiful woman such as yourself as opposed to merely looking past you. You are exquisite and you will do yourself good to remember that. I wish you the best in this life. Thank you for dropping by 🙂


  14. I think you’re beautiful. There’s no argument there. Thanks for dropping a like by my blog! x


  15. Dear Gaiana. I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. I am new to the awards myself but was nominated, looked into it and decided to accept. I have enjoyed the process involved in meeting the requirements of this award and hopefully it may lead to increasing the number of people who visit my blog. If you like the sound of it I hope you will accept (but no problem if you don’t) and I look forward to reading your responses to my questions and finding out about other blogs that you nominate. I think it helps us build connections. Many thanks. You will find the information in my blog today. Kay

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Gaiana, I just realized that you have started following me! I just hope I don’t lead us into despair. But now that your following the leader may I say… welcome to my dysfunctional family of readers, and thank you for throwing your dictionary away! :O)


  17. Wonderfully written, G! Such maturity as well! I’m sure you’ll chart a successful life, especially when I look back and compare with the folly of my youth some 50 years ago. You rock, baby!


    1. We’ve all been there! You haven’t really lived until you’ve misbehaved a bit. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great day 😉


  18. Monetary possessions do NOT determine your worth as an individual. By all means wander, explore, see, and do while you are young and your health is good. To many of us work too long and hard expecting to wander, explore, see, and do later in life only to find out that we are not as young as we once were and are no longer able to do such things.

    Please read the story below for another perspective on life.

    How Much is Enough: A Story from Jimmy John’s


  19. Hhmm, beautiful choice of words you’ve got, and i’m sure will be even more if used positively. Oh, about you thinking you’re worthless and hating yourself, it’s only a matter of time very short before you come to realize how much virtue lies in you. Keep up the good work, and the beauty, in your looks and your writings. Such finesse. More grace. one more thing, very important, JESUS LOVES YOU, AND I’M SURE IS PROUD WHEN HE LOOKS AT YOU.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Hi! Gaiana. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

    Well, so far of what I read in your Bio here. I’d say you strike me as a very interesting person. And I like that you love writing poetry & taking photography. Excellent! 🙂

    How long have you been writing Poetry?
    Question: How did you find my poem? Curious.
    I like to thank you for reading and liking that one humorous poem of mine. 🙂

    I’m currently now following your blog page. 🙂

    P.S Hope to hear from you soon.


    1. Hello, Charlie! Thank you for visiting my blog! I came across your hilarious poem when I was scouring the Reader stream for something to good read while I was on a bus ride home. Good job, by the way! I can’t remember when I started exactly. But it feels like I’ve been doing it all my life 😊

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